Orlando Napier相似歌手

姓名Orlando Napier 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Orlando is the guy at the party playing the piano and singing his ass off. It's what he was born to do and luckily, it's actually what he ended up doing.

He found his voice relatively late in the game, at the age of twenty, his father Hugo (tenor sax) being the main catalyst, the other being the music of Ray Charles. Together, father and son roped together a fiendish soul/R&B outfit with Orlando at the helm. The band gained a loyal following in Los Angeles, his sharp lyrics and possessed performance style luring soul music aficionados out of a mostly soulless city.

Recently Orlando realized he'd had enough of LA, sold all two of his earthly posessions and moved to NYC. This turned out to be a good call, as studios opened their doors and he quickly found himself in collaboration with a variety of production teams, the most menacing of which being the Orlando/Lowtemp alliance.
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