Beeda Weeda相似歌手

姓名Beeda Weeda 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


by Cyril CordorDiscovered by Souls of Mischief and Hieroglyphics member Tajai, Beeda Weeda was a rising hyphy star in the Bay Area around the mid-2000s. For several years, the East Oakland, CA, native had been strictly a producer, making beats for his neighborhood friend and eventual group partner Lil Al. When Lil Al had to go to prison, Weeda stepped up his rhyming skills in order to continue forward as a solo artist. His first CD, which he pressed himself and circulated around Oakland, quickly earned him respect, and it ultimately found its way into Tajai's hands. In contrast to the Hiero MC's spiritual and alternative rap background, Tajai believed in Weeda's potential and sought out the hyphy rapper/producer to join his Clear Label Records. With "Turfs Up" in heavy rotation locally, his official debut, Turfology 101, made a considerable stride toward national exposure upon its release in August 2006. Weeda was later nominated for Best New Artist at the 2006 Bay Area Music Awards.
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