姓名Blossom Dearie 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
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Blossom Dearie是一位音色稚嫩朴实的歌手。小女孩般可爱甜美的歌声,来自同样娇俏可人的Blossom Dearie。惹人怜爱的小女子,羞涩地期待着心爱的人能够读懂她的心事,成为那个终此一生庇护她、照顾她的亲密伴侣。她演绎的都是一些很轻柔很磁性很舒缓很性感的歌曲,如同在你耳边喃喃而语,轻轻摩娑着你的耳垂。音乐,有时候就如同厚重的玻璃幕墙,可以轻易就隔开你和外界的联系。脑子沉醉在音乐里,眼睛所看到的任何景象,就像是站到了汽车电影院前,随你的心思天马行空奔腾万里,只要你不开口,没有人会感兴趣你在做什么,你看街上人如景,街上人看你不也一样吗?1928年4月28日,生于美国,爵士乐歌手,钢琴师,曲作者.父亲是苏格兰人,母亲是挪威人.Dearie之所以名叫Blossom,仅仅是因为她出生那天,邻居给他家送来一束桃花(peach blossom).这也许注定她今后的声音也会象花一样丝柔如少女一般.Blossom从小接触音乐及其相关艺术,5岁起至整个少年时期她都在学习钢琴,高中时加入了舞蹈团,那时起,她开始听爵士乐.早期对他影响较大的是Benny Goodman乐团,包括有Art Tatum, Count Basie, Duke Ellington 以及 Martha Tilton等人.40年代中期,Blossom高中毕业后前往纽约,开始她的音乐生涯.她最先加入的是一个有Woody Herman等人的爵士合唱团"Blue Flames",之后她又加入了"Blue Reys"等...1952年,Blossom在Chantilly俱乐部工作期间,遇到了Nicole Barclay.她与Blossom的丈夫共同经营着Barclay唱片公司.在Nicole的建议下,Blossom前去巴黎组建了Blue Stars爵士合唱团.这支合唱团,由4男4女组成,他们第一张法语版专辑<Lullaby Of Birdland>一经发行,就在美法引起不大不小震动.但在Blossom巴黎期间最大的收获,还是遇到了Verve唱片的经理兼制作人"Norman Granz".就是这个人,后来签下Blossom,并为她制作发行6张个人专辑,其中包括有非常著名的<My Gentleman Friend>.60年代初期,由于签证的原因,Blue Star无法登陆美国.Blossom只得孤身返回纽约,开始和她的御用琴师在美国一些著名俱乐部里驻唱,诸如:the Versailles, the Blue Angel 和 the Village Vanguard等.偶尔,她也和Jack Paar, Merv Griffin 以及 Johnny Carson等人参加些电视节目.1966年,她首次来到伦敦Ronnie Scott's 俱乐部演出,凭借着独具魅力的个人表现,而又不失对原作者的尊重.Blossom获得空前成功.60年代,她也同样为Capitol唱片公司出了几张专辑,其中包括由Jack Marshall制作完成的<May I Come In?>.1974年,Blossom为了自己音乐的发展,自创厂牌"Daffodil唱片".她在这所厂牌的第一张唱片是一张双张唱片<My New Celebrity Is You>,其中有8首她的个人作品.这张唱片及其歌曲的名字,都是由Johnny Mercer编写.这也是1976年Johnny Mercer去世前最后的作品.70年代期间,Blossom还与blues歌手Joe Williams和爵士歌手Anita O'Day成功在著名的Carnegie音乐厅举办一场名为"爵士歌手"(The Jazz Singers)的演出.1981年,她和Dave Frishberg共同出现在曼哈顿Michael's酒吧,共同上演3周演出.Frishberg不仅是曲作者,还可以演奏钢琴并且演唱,而Blossom也经常演唱他的作品,如"Peel Me A Grape", "I'm Hip" 和 "My Attorney Bernie"等. 1983年起到1985年,他在曼哈顿另外一家俱乐部Ballroom驻唱1年半,并因此于1985年获得Mabel Mercer基金奖励,Mabel Mercer基金是每年专门奖励一年中在各大超级俱乐部中有突出表现的演员.在纽约和伦敦不断窜红后,Blossom在80年代及90年代初期,还会带着她亲切的个性和独具魅力的嗓音,出现在Pizza On The Park(一家英国俱乐部)中.今天,Blossom再一次带着她的贝斯手Ray Kilday和她的打击乐手Dave Silliman,出现在Danny's Sklight Room中.从3月18日开始,每周末奉献演出.Blossom已经是为数不多的真正追求爵士艺术的人,这也许是我喜欢她的原因之一吧.by John BushA distinctive, girlish voice, crisp, impeccable delivery, and an irrepressible sense of playful swing made Blossom Dearie one of the most enjoyable singers of the vocal era. Her warmth and sparkle ensured that shed never treat standards as the well-worn songs they often appeared in less capable hands. And though her reputation was made on record with a string of excellent albums for Verve during the 50s, she remained a draw with Manhattan cabaret audiences long into the new millennium.Actually born with the name Blossom Dearie in the New York Catskills, she began playing piano at an early age and studied classical music before making the switch to jazz while in high school. After graduation, she moved to New York and began appearing with vocal groups like the Blue Flames (attached to Woody Herman) and the Blue Reys (with Alvino Rey). She also played cocktail piano around the city, and moved to Paris in 1952 to form her own group, the Blue Stars of France. Dearie also appeared in a nightclub act with Annie Ross, and made a short, uncredited appearance on King Pleasures vocalese classic, Moodys Mood for Love. She recorded an obscure album of piano solos, and in 1954, the Blue Stars hit the national charts with a French version of Lullaby of Birdland.After hearing Dearie perform in Paris in 1956, Norman Granz signed her to Verve and she returned to America by the end of the year. Her eponymous debut for Verve featured a set of standards that slanted traditional pop back to its roots in Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and cabaret. Her focus on intimate readings of standards (Deed I Do, Thou Swell) and the relaxed trio setting (bassist Ray Brown and drummer Jo Jones, plus Dearie on piano) drew nods to her cabaret background.On her next few records, Dearie stuck to her focus on standards and small groups, though her gift for songwriting emerged as well with songs like Blossoms Blues. She performed in solo settings at supper clubs all over New York, and appeared on the more cultured of the late-50s New York talk shows. Her husband, flutist Bobby Jaspar, made several appearances on her records, notably 1959s My Gentleman Friend. After a recording break in the early 60s, Blossom Dearie signed to Capitol for one album (1964s May I Come In?), but then recorded sparingly during the rest of the decade.Finally, in the early 70s, she formed her own Daffodil Records label and began releasing her own work, including 1974s Blossom Dearie Sings and the following years My Favorite Celebrity Is You. She also performed at Carnegie Hall with Anita ODay and Joe Williams, billed as the Jazz Singers. She continued to perform and record during the 1980s, centered mostly in New York but also a regular attraction in London as well.
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