姓名Katie Herzig 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Katie Herzig,美国科罗拉多乐队Newcomers Home的成员,创作型女歌手,目前定居于乡谣Nashville。Katie Herzig在今年发行这张Apple Tree之前已经发行过自己的两张唱片,她的词曲创作逐渐得到肯定,06年专辑《Weightless》的歌曲被大热美剧《Grey’s Anatomy》选用,07年的作品《Heaven’s My Home》被The Duhks演唱后获得了莱美最佳乡村表演提名。Apple TreeKatie的新作《Apple Tree》相较上张唱片《Weightless》的DIY制作在歌曲制作和编排上更加成熟,新专辑除了邀请了众多Nashville当地的制作人与乐手参与专辑的演奏与制作外,Katie还与另一位女创作人Kim Richey一起合作创作了专辑中的两首曲目《I Will Follow》 和 《I Want To Belong To You》。Katie Herzig struck out on her own after eight years as the frontwoman for Newcomers Home. Herzig was no stranger to the solo game, having released her first solo album, Watch Them Fall, in 2004, so it was no surprise when, following the dissolution of Newcomers Home in 2006, Herzig put together a second album, Weightless, which was released that summer. Comprised of quirky, heartfelt songs that nodded to twangy, warm-voiced artists like Devon Sproule and Neko Case, the album generated quite a bit of critical buzz, and several songs from the album found their way onto network television shows, notably Grey's Anatomy. Herzig spent the next two years playing gigs, collaborating with other artists, and writing new material, and she even managed to snag a 2007 Grammy nomination for one of her songs, "Heaven's My Home" (performed by the Duhks). Her third full-length album, Apple Tree, was released in the spring of 2008.
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