Jaci Velasquez相似歌手

姓名Jaci Velasquez 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国
语言英语 性别
生日1979-10-15 星座天秤座
身高 体重


关于Jaci Velasquez的简单介绍如下,Jacquelyn Davette Velasquez生于80年代早期,10岁开始歌唱,13岁就到白宫去参加表演,1995年的第一张单曲就创下了CCM排行榜第一名的好成绩,之后更是佳绩不断,包括拉丁格莱美奖提名等等,至今唱片销量已超出300万张,在当地可以说是家喻户晓,演唱风格则是兼具热情奔放、柔缓抒情,相信听过专辑之后定会对她动听的嗓音、极富特色的演唱风格留下较深的印象。。。

Jaci Velasquez (born Jacquelyn Davette Velasquez on October 15, 1979) is an American Contemporary Christian and pop singer. Her first name is pronounced as "Jackie".

Velasquez grew up attending church and her parents were singers. Her mother has Mexican ancestry; From both sides of her family, Velasquez also has Spanish, French, Jewish, Scottish, and Arabic ancestry. When she was ten years old, her parents sold their Houston home and dedicated themselves to touring the United States with their Christian music.
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