Nicki Minaj相似歌手

姓名Nicki Minaj 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国纽约皇后区south Jamaica
语言英语 性别
生日1982-12-08 星座射手座
身高163cm 体重


妮琪·米娜(英语:Nicki Minaj,本名:Onika Tanya Maraj,1982年12月8日-),美国饶舌歌手及唱作歌手,生于西班牙港。妮琪·米娜自2010年以来,以其外观上的鲜明特色与出席各大场所都摆出夸张的表情,成功在大众眼中留下独特的第一印象,也定义了自己的个人风格。妮琪·米娜将自己定义为多重人格,而这些人格中以两位最具有代表性人物,一种是以青春甜美的梦幻风格所构建出的“Barbie”,而另一种则是用色更加大胆辛辣,歌曲也更加具特色的“Roman Zolanski”。妮琪·米娜曾形容过,“Roman Zolanski”是“她灵魂里一位疯狂的同性恋男孩”。其中于2010年推出个人的第一张专辑《Pink Friday》在2011年全美音乐奖得到“最受欢迎饶舌/Hip-Hop专辑大碟奖”。以及以单曲《Super Bass》得到2011年MTV音乐录像带大奖“最佳嘻哈录像带奖”、2011年全美音乐奖“最受欢迎饶舌/Hip-Hop歌手奖”等殊荣,也曾在公告牌百强单曲榜得到第3名的佳绩。

Nicki Minaj是一位美国少见的女饶舌歌手,于2009年正式加入Young Money公司。目前,她有2首单曲,并且预计将很快发行她的第一张专辑。她和很多巨星都合作过歌曲,像Usher的Lil freak,Ludacris的my chick bad,Christina Aguilera的woohoo。她还参与了混音的制作。同时,在Young money的歌曲中,她也有露面。

2004年,Nicki开始了她的演唱事业。她开始为本地的rapper们的歌曲唱background vocals。他被dirty money的CEO Fendi在MySpace上发现,之后,她开始与Lil Wayne来往,并在2007年出了她的第一张mixtape(是私人刻录的“杂集”,基本用于馈赠。)。2007年-2010年,每年Nicki都有出版mixtape。2008年,她出现在了《XXL》杂志七月的主题,并在Underground Music Awards上得到了最佳女歌手的称号。并且她和很多大牌明星的single和remix都有合作。2010年4月13日,她终于出了自己的第一支single——Massive Attack。不过,此歌未能进入billboard hot 100,flop了。她的第二支single——your love也在6月发出,成绩很好。

Onika Tanya Maraj (born December 8, 1982), known by her stage name Nicki Minaj (/m??nɑ??/), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and actress. After success with three mixtapes released between 2007 and 2009, Minaj signed to Young Money Entertainment.

Minaj's debut studio album Pink Friday (2010) peaked at number one on the US Billboard 200 and was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Its most successful single "Super Bass" was certified 8× platinum and has sold over four million copies, becoming one of the best-selling singles in the United States. During this time, Minaj became the first female solo artist to have seven singles simultaneously charting on the Billboard Hot 100. Her second studio album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded (2012) topped the Billboard 200 and became one of the best-selling albums of that year. Its lead single "Starships" peaked at number 5 in the United States and became one of the best-selling singles of 2012. As of 2013, Minaj has sold over 5 million albums globally. Minaj also served as a judge during the twelfth season of American Idol.

Minaj is the first female artist included on MTV's Annual Hottest MC List, with The New York Times suggesting that some consider her "the most influential female rapper of all time." Her rapping is distinctive for its fast flow, use of alter egos and accents, notably British cockney. Her outlandish and colorful costumes, wigs and clothing have given her recognition as a fashion icon. In April 2013, Minaj became the most-charted female rapper in the history of the Billboard Hot 100, with over forty-four appearances. She has endorsed Adidas, MAC Cosmetics, and Pepsi. Revisiting her roots in drama, Minaj has ventured into work as a voice actress in Ice Age: Continental Drift and will be making her acting debut in the 2014 film The Other Woman. She has earned seven BET Awards, four American Music Awards, two MTV Music Awards, an MTV Europe Music Award, five Billboard Music Awards and Billboard's 2011 Rising Star.
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