In a sense opposed to that characterized the formation of the music scene in the past decade, the collective, increasingly open passage for the individual. What was once proclaimed the inventions of musical projects large or small, are now focusing on isolation. However, even in the fragment and construction of solo careers punctuated by "I," never before has the sense of cooperation was harnessed as richly as today. Contrary to what seemed planned, isolation bumps in the exchange of ideas, with selfishness, once again, leading the group, something that Service (2013, Independent), work even advertised by the name of Lucas Castello Branco, evident in the use of collective greatness verses, sounds and interference.
Hippie atmosphere, both in the design of the themes that pack the letters, as in the bucolic contour of the melodies, the debut cut lightly the relationship that led to the now defunct White R. Sigma. If until recently was the gray flow of guitars that guided the work of the singer and other band mates, today just seems to have survived the same essence. The chaos gave life to the silence and the color the dusty metropolis of the musician took to the field, which naturally decides the morning / bucolic content of the verses, arrangements and feelings tinged with confidence to the construction. Service is, naturally, a piece of insulation, but that opens and receives visitors carefully.