姓名Glenn Yarbrough 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Glenn Yarbroughs high, clear tenor has served him well throughout his long career as a singer (thats him singing Things go better with Coke on all those commercials), and although it has been many years since he placed a song on the pop charts, he continues to have a large and loyal fan base. He was born on January 12, 1930, in Milwaukee, WI, where he began singing at church functions as a child. His entry into the world of folk music came while he was a student at St. Johns College in Annapolis, MD, in 1951, where a late-night singing session with his roommate, Jac Holzman (who would later found Elektra Records — Yarbrough would release a handful of records on the label) and a visiting Woody Guthrie would prove to be pivotal for Yarbrough. He bought a guitar the next day.

Following a stint in the Army as a radio operator (he served in Korea) and then a stay as a radio and television host in South Dakota, Yarbrough traveled to New York City in 1957, where he recorded an album, Come Sit by My Side, for New Traditions Records and began regularly playing the countrys coffeehouse circuit. He eventually settled in Aspen, CO, where he purchased a local folk club called the Limelite. When Yarbrough hooked up with two other folksingers, banjo player Alex Hassilev and bassist Lou Gottlieb, the trio took the clubs name, becoming the Limeliters. The group was massively successful and recorded several albums (as well as the aforementioned Coke commercial) before Yarbrough left the group in late 1963.
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