SHITAKILI IX 【ZANG HAOZ】 is known as the MC of the key figures who receives overwhelming support at the Fukuoka Tenjin street called Japanese Deep West South. 1997 ・He received the impact to the HipHop culture by having met Rowshi and D.C., and formed"ASIAN ANTHUG" with them and GAFF. ・He made the best use of the music obtained because of the band activity, and gathered force in various places in Kyusyu. ・The most important work "COCONOTU ILAND" was produced in this time. 2002 ・He formed "SHITAKILI IX" with BIGIZMAFIA who returned home from N.Y. et..al.. ・They released 1st. ALBUM "KIMENSHA-ENGI" ・They accomplished a lot of co-starring with an overseas artist : FROST, BOOYA T.R.I.B.E and also with DS455, TOKONA-X, AK-69, GANGSTA DX, DABO, HANNYA et..al.. They participated... 2004 DS455 ALBUM "Summer Sweets" 2005 TOKONA-X POSTTHUMOUS WORK "SHOW MUST GO ON" 2005 May ・He formed "WENOM THE GOBLIN'III" with Rowshi and GIZ of the member of SHITAKILI IX, and released 1st. MAXI SINGLE "WENOM THE GOBLIN'III" 2006 Nov. ・ZANG HAOZI released 1st. SOLO ALBUM "Casillero Del Diablo" at last. inviting DJ PMX, AK69, as guesting, and futuring with BIGIZMAFIA, D.C., ROWSHI, GIZ, SHIN TAI, DJ RYOTA, and CASH BILL. 2008 Now producing "ZANG HAOZI SOLO MAXI SINGLE" "WENOM THE GOBLIN'III 2nd ALBUM" Coming soon!!!