Arnaldo Antunes相似歌手

姓名Arnaldo Antunes 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


An important composer of Brazilian pop/rock who was the unofficial leader of the Titas, Arnaldo Antunes had many of his songs recorded by Marisa Monte, Jorge Ben Jor, and others. He also is an internationally celebrated poet.

In the late '70s, Antunes was a member of the group Aguilar e Banda Performática, which recorded an independent LP. Soon afterwards, he joined an octet called Titas do Ie-ie. The band opened in August 1982 in the alternative Teatro da Lira Paulistana (Sao Paulo), where the vanguarda paulista movement was born in that period. In 1983 the group became the Titas, and Antunes recorded seven albums with them before departing for his solo career. He wrote big hits like "Bichos Escrotos" (with Sérgio Britto/Nando Reis), "Comida" (with Marcelo Fromer/Sérgio Britto), "O Que," "Família" (with Tony Bellotto), "Miséria" (with Sérgio Britto/Paulo Miklos), and "O Pulso" (with Marcelo Fromer/Tony Bellotto). While he was with the Tits he continued to write and publish poetry books. After leaving the band, he continued to write songs for them, having his songs included in Titanomaquia (1993), Domingo (1995), Acústico (1996, in which he participated on one track), and Volume 2 (1998). In 1988, Antunes participated in Golpe de Estado's LP Golpe de Estado. In 1993, he released the album/book/video Nome, followed by Ninguém (1995), O Silêncio (1996), and Um Som (1998). Among the many interpreters who have been recording his songs are Marisa Monte (among others, "Beija Eu," "Volte Para o Seu Lar," "Alta Noite," "Bem Leve," and "De Mais Ninguém," the last two in partnership with the singer), Jorge Ben Jor ("Cabelo"), Gilberto Gil ("A Ciência em Si"), Rita Lee ("O Que Você Quer"), and Ney Matogrosso ("Comida"). Arnaldo Antunes is a celebrated name in Brazilian contemporary poetry, and his works have been included in international compilations. In 1997, he published the book Dois Ou + Corpos No Mesmo Espao. In 1999, he wrote the soundtrack to the dance show "O Corpo" (released on CD in 2000) by the group of the same name.
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