姓名Blood Ceremony 别名暂无
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生日 星座
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Blood Ceremony is a Canadian doom metal band formed in Toronto, Ontario. Their self-titled debut album was released in 2008, followed by Living with the Ancients in 2011, both on Rise Above Records. The albums were re-issued on Metal Blade, the influential metal label responsible for launching the careers of such heavy-hitters as Metallica and Slayer. Blood Ceremony spent the latter part of 2009 touring throughout Europe with doom giants Electric Wizard. During the latter part of 2011 and the early part of 2012 they supported the "Nameless Ghouls" known as Ghost on their European and North American tours. Blood Ceremony's style has been described as "flute-tinged witch rock" and their lyrics are filled with black magic imagery and references to classic horror films. The band is fronted by singer/flautist/organist Alia O'Brien whose flute solos are reminiscent of Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson. Alongside O'Brien, the band was created by guitarist Sean Kennedy, who is responsible for most of the songwriting. The Torontoist calls Blood Ceremony Toronto's most original band.
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