姓名Bobby Creekwater 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Nestled deep in the heart of southwest Atlanta, stood a little house, comfortably worn by the use of the families that spent their lives there. Just behind the house was a creek. It was in that soulful little house that Antione Rogers became Bobby Creekwater.

The house, which was owned by Creek’s grandmother, was a haven of sorts for him as a child. It was in that house that he not only fought with his cousins, nursed scraped knees and yearned for the smell of his grandmother’s cooking—but it was where he fell in love with music. Fittingly, the house is also the source of his moniker.

“Bobby came from my grandfather, God rest his soul,” the 27 year-old rapper says, his baritone deep with memory. “He was an old hustler and a lot of the young hustlers looked up to him. Creek means longevity. There was a creek behind my grandmother’s house. The house was torn down, but the creek remains.”
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