姓名Room Torrent 别名暂无
国籍中国台湾 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Room Torrent, a local band which was found in 2010 Summer which consist of Wechsler – Vocal/Guitarist, Abby – Guitarist and Patrick - Drummer.

The name Room Torrent represents the unlimited inspiration and creativeness that they found in band room. They are influenced by a wide range of music such as John Mayer, Maroon5, etc. therefore give a diversified music style for Room Torrent.

Room Torrent aimed at sharing their feelings toward life by using their own music like Leanness, Sunset.
Their inspiration mostly comes from the feelings and attitudes about life, sometimes happy and sometimes depressed.
Room Torrent has performed in various occasion like universities and different bars like Fringe Club and Wanch.
Also, in Spring 2011, they had a chance to perform in “Taiwan Simple Life Music Festival” which is a huge music festival in Taiwan."
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