姓名Various Cruelties 别名暂无
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生日 星座
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Formed around the prodigiously talented Liam O’Donnell whose spirit recalls Kevin Rowland at his most soulful, Various Cruelties came together just over 12-months ago.

A brace of self-released singles in early 2011, Neon Truth and If It Wasn’t For You both sold-out of their limited pressings in a matter of days and saw glowing reviews, write ups and support from the likes of the Sunday Times, Radio 1 and 6Music.

Born in London to a Scottish father and an Irish mother (a distant relative of Oscar Wilde), O’Donnell grew up in Leeds where northern soul nights at the West Indian Centre and idle hours spent hanging around with mates on local pirate radio stations all helped shape his musical palate.

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