姓名Martyr Defiled 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Matt "Staypuff" Jones
Lee Cook
Joe "Le Shrew" Blackburn
Richard Duffin
Dave Parke
This is Martyr Defiled’s world, and you just live in it – if the brand new self-released EP from the Lincoln based death metal mob is anything to go by. Combining huge anthemic riffs, disgusting breaks and neck snapping groove, Martyr Defiled have taken their jaws straight to the throat of all that they see wrong with the world - and they won’t let go until it bleeds out.

‘In Shadows’ comes from 5 years of notorious struggling, including touring with giants like The Black Dahlia Murder, Despised Icon and All Shall Perish; Martyr Defiled have earnt their right to smash their way through every venue put in front of them, bringing the kind of ferocious support from their fans that would make any hooligan firm proud.
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