姓名Legendary Stardust Cowboy 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


by Steve Huey
A true rock & roll primitive even wilder than cult legend Hasil Adkins, the Legendary Stardust Cowboy played a crude brand of rockabilly obsessed with the Wild West and science fiction, and filled with vocal effects ranging from rebel yells and war whoops to a startling array of animal noises. Norman Carl Odam was born in Lubbock, TX, in 1947; a shy and eccentric child, he began developing his idiosyncratic vocal style at age 14, soon started guitar lessons, and also taught himself bugle and harmonica, among other instruments. Odam became notorious for performing in public spaces — every morning on the steps of his high school, on the roof of his car near local drive-in restaurants and hangouts, at parties he wasnt invited to — and attracted a mixture of affection and harassment. After high school, he traveled to California hoping to land television bookings, but found no takers; upon returning to Lubbock, he worked in a warehouse while playing occasional gigs at honky tonks, where audiences were frequently hostile (often assuming he was a hippie making fun of country music).

In 1968, inspired by Tiny Tims appearance on The Tonight Show, Odam decided to drive to New York to do the same thing. He stopped in Fort Worth, where he caught the attention of two vacuum cleaner salesmen who knew a local club owner. Impressed by the amateurish abandon of his performance, the salesmen took him to a recording studio the next morning, where the Legendary Stardust Cowboy recorded his debut single, Paralyzed, with engineer T-Bone Burnett. Local promoter Major Bill Smith somehow sold the single to Mercury for national distribution. Paralyzed actually made the lower reaches of the Billboard singles charts and the Ledge (as he was later nicknamed) was invited to appear on Rowan & Martins Laugh-In. Although the shows cast laughed at him, not with him, the performance caused a stir; offers from other variety shows poured in, but unfortunately, a musicians union strike prevented all TV airings of live music for a period. By the time the ban was lifted, the Legendary Stardust Cowboy had disappeared from the publics mind. A couple of other singles flopped and Mercury dropped him; moreover, Smith attempted to steal a tape of over 50 new songs recorded at Burnetts studio, which the Ledge eventually stole back and destroyed.
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