Boom! Bap! Pow!相似歌手

姓名Boom! Bap! Pow! 别名暂无
国籍澳大利亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Boom! Bap! Pow! are a five-piece blues/rockabilly band from Perth, Australia.

band members:
Drums: David Salvaire,
Guitar: Paul Hines,
Bass: Clint Bracknell,
Vocal: Novac Bull,
Sax: Dylan Hooper

You're so cute I wanna wear you like a suit, I think you'd look pretty good on me... ...and in sinks the hook from the cheeky, playful and downright sexy new single from Perth's finest purveyors of infectious soul pop - Boom! Bap! Pow! Leading lady and human firecracker Novac Bull has always threatened to let the devil on her shoulder get the better of her, but on this latest slice of dark sunshine, Bull has really gone off the deep end. As evidenced in Suit's almost Tarantino-esque video (produced by award winning film maker Ben Young) – the track sees everyone's favourite livewire's in a relentlessly playful mood. As musical gunslingers, Boom! Bap! Pow! have always been ahead of the curve, a reputation forged on their epic one and a half hour plus live sets, but on Suit they display something significantly more nuanced. Produced by Matt Giovennangelo (Voltaire Twins, Split Seconds) at the renowned Studio Couch and mixed by man-of-the-moment Steve Schram (San Cisco, The Cat Empire), Suit, with it's deeper than deep kick n' bass, spindly yet restrained guitar noodlings and Bull's peerless vocal stylings, could only be the work of a band completely at ease with themselves and their mission statement. One of Australia's hardest working pop bands, Boom! Bap! Pow!'s previous releases have seen them tour long, hard and constantly, taking in the majority of our wide brown land (including the Wheatbelt!) and picking up national tours with the likes of Eli 'Paperboy' Reed and The Royal Crown Revue. They've also performed feverishly received spots at the festivals like Laneway, the Big Day Out and the Queenscliffe Music Festival, among many, many more. To launch Suit they are once again hitting the long, scorched freeways of Western Australia and playing a clutch of shows that will only help to affirm their reputation as one of the best live bands currently hitting the boards.
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