姓名Wolfgang Niedecken 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Wolfgang Niedecken (born March 30, 1951 in Cologne) is a German musician, painter and author, In 1976 he founded the Kolsch rock band BAP. To date, he is the lead singer, lyricist, composer and front man of the group and the only remaining founding member. He also works as a soloist and took three previous solo albums. Niedecken is one of the major protagonists, who established the Cologne dialect of the regional boundaries in the German rock music.

Another focus of his artistic activity is the painting since the early 1970s. He studied free painting and art history and had been numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. Niedecken is known for his social and political commitment, for which he was in 2013 awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st class.
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