Barrett Baber相似歌手

姓名Barrett Baber 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


From preachers kid to Beale Street music rat, to singer songwriter, the musical journey of Barrett Baber has been just that...a journey.
The journey that has spanned almost two decades has seen the songwriter and showman bounce from Nashville, to Memphis to Fayetteville and beyond.
Always evolving, always moving ahead, the unique sound of Barrett Baber has found its way into the hearts of fans and onto the national scene.

A perfect blend of soul and country creates a new genre of country soul that Barrett Baber is now known for. The songs are real, the work is hard and the future is bright for an artist that is willing to be vulnerable and grind until he meets his goals.
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