Johanna Sillanpaa相似歌手

姓名Johanna Sillanpaa 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Without debate, and by all accounts, music has always played a major part in the life of Johanna Sillanpaa. Originally from Bors, Sweden, she carries with her a strong and sultry voice, as she continues to make her mark on the international music scene.

From the moment she discovered her love for singing she knew she was in for a life long journey, one she didn’t really choose, but rather, one that chose her.

Johanna has an extensive musical background, and by the age of 14 she was performing in nightclubs and on cruise ships, competing in singing competitions all over Scandinavia as well recording with several groups and projects.

By the age of 16, Johanna had been presented with two different recording deals in Sweden as well as in France.

Upon her arrival in Canada in the mid nineties she attended and graduated the Grant MacEwan Music Program in Edmonton, Alberta and continued to expand her education, studying Jazz vocals workshops with the legendary Sheila Jordan and Jay Clayton at the Banff School of fine arts in Banff, Alberta.

“Those years truly changed me as a vocalist. I began to discover so many different colors in my voice and started to learn how to use it to it’s full potential”

Following her passion for music, Johanna would take on various projects, freelancing with Jazz and R&B acts throughout Canada and the United States. Johanna spent a few years performing with the funk & soul band YOMOZO and although she loved the experience and loved the style of music, she also knew she needed to pave her own path as an artist, to stand up and speak her mind through writing her own music.
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