姓名North Atlantic Drift 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


North Atlantic Drift is the duo of Mike Abercrombie and Brad Deschamps. Prior to meeting in the summer of 2011, Mike was making electronic music as Transits of Mercury, while Brad was playing in the now disbanded post-rock band Epigram. After several discussions about the music of Brian Eno, Boards of Canada, Erik Satie, and Stars of the Lid, the duo set up a studio in downtown Toronto to work on material that would become their debut release “Canvas”. Most of the compositions on “Canvas” are based around guitar or synthesizer loops with heavily processed percussion sounds, the sources of which range from cardboard boxes, to handclaps, shakers, and guitar pickups. The result is an album featuring 8 diverse compositions; such as the melodic, glockenspiel-lead “Waiting in the Afterglow”, the sleepy ambience of “Luminous”, the drone-influenced “Asleep in the Waiting Room” and “Cloud Atlas” - the lone track that was recorded live in the studio without loops or processing.
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