Marianas Trench相似歌手

姓名Marianas Trench 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


这是一支来自加拿大温哥华的Pop Punk/Indie Rock乐队,由Josh Ramsey、Matt Webb、Mike Ayley和Ian Casselman4人组成。乐队的名字来源于地表最深地壳最薄之处的马里亚纳海沟。乐队成立之后,初发了几张Demo小试身手就被环球唱片公司旗下位于加拿大的604 Records相中,并于06年10月发行了首张大碟《Fix Me》。我初识这支乐队,是在美剧《天赐》(Kyle XY)的第二季中,夜晚的沙滩篝火晚会上舞台中央的一支乐队忘我的演唱深深地吸引着我。于是我在网络之中四处寻找他们的身影,并终于结识了这支活力十足的新晋乐队Marianas Trench。说到这支乐队能够深深吸引我的原因,大概就是主唱Josh Ramsey那独特的极富张力又收放自如的嗓音。在Josh很小的时候,他的父母就拥有一个录音棚,当时流行的Hard Rock乐队AC/DC也曾在那里录过专辑。在这样的音乐环境影响下,Josh也不负众望地在音乐上表现出超乎常人的天赋,13岁时就已经会演奏超过8种以上的乐器,并且拥有颇具实力的歌唱技巧。这支年轻的乐队,他们的作品能够让你体会到与其他Pop Punk乐队不同的魅力,我想除了优秀的演奏技巧和耐听的旋律之外,大概与Josh那略带有EMO式的唱腔和自由转换的真假音是分不开的。在乐队的Myspace上,成员们已经发布了即将发行2nd Album的消息。在此之前,我将这支我个人超~喜爱的乐队与大家分享,以此作为一个预热。希望能够引起更多朋友的共鸣。Not only is Marianas Trench the deepest known spot in any ocean (located in the floor of the North Pacific Ocean), but it's also a Vancouver-based rock band that is the brainchild of vocalist/guitarist Josh Ramsay. Ramsay -- whose dad once owned the Little Mountain Sound studio that recorded bands like Aerosmith and AC/DC in the '80s and whose vocal teacher mom recorded and toured with Leonard Cohen for two years -- had been writing and recording since his teen years. He unsurprisingly learned to track his own songs early on, crafting music under the influence of rock and pop-punk bands as well as vocal groups with an ear for bright harmonies. Still a teenager, he began shopping his solo stuff around and took plenty of advice for improvement over the next several years. The rotating cast of musicians comprising the band that eventually appeared around Ramsay settled down by the early 2000s with people from the local scene: guitarist Steve Marshall, keyboardist Matt Webb, bassist Morgan Hempsted, and drummer Ian Casselman. Initially, they were called Ramsay Fiction and the frontman's persistence paid off when the band finally scored a deal with 604 Records (co-founded by Nickelback's Chad Kroeger) in early 2003. By the 2006 release of their debut, however, the group -- now called Marianas Trench -- was comprised of Ramsay alongside Casselman, now guitarist/vocalist Matt Webb, and bassist/vocalist Michael Ayley. Their label debut, Fix Me, surfaced in the fall of 2006, and the single "Say Anything" soon broke into the Top Three on the Canadian singles chart; "Decided to Break It" also did well on radio and MuchMusic. Marianas Trench then contributed a song ("Alibis") to the spring 2007 soundtrack for ABC Family's popular teen sci-fi show Kyle XY.
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