Breezy Lovejoy相似歌手

姓名Breezy Lovejoy 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Breezy Lovejoy, a So-Cal native grew up in Ventura County in the shadow of the underground hip-hop beats of Madlib and Loot Pack. Immersed in his family's love of soul and jazz artists Frankie Beverly, Curtis Mayfield and George Benson; Breezy was inspired towards musical expression. He was drumming, laying beats, and DJing by the time he hit high school. In addition to lead vocals and drumming, he composes his own music laying the beat sequences and writing lyrics.

Original and personal songs emerged out of the ashes of the past with an untiring loyalty to hope, rediscovery, inner renewal, and the bitter honesty of a journeyman seeking love. Breezy, who first wrapped up his first national tour, is currently performing with his live band and recording his debut album. His projects are released and produced by indie label, Black Cheddar Records
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