姓名Hey Marseilles 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


成立于2006年,由歌唱家和吉他手尼克病房马特的主教,嘿,马赛迅速扩展到一个折衷,seven-piece乐队。集团已经扎根在西雅图,那些参加主教的病房和华盛顿大学。病房的室友,钢琴家/ accordionist菲利普Kobernik,是第一个加入他们,和他们竞争的核心和嘿马赛的首发阵容很快通过增加了multi-instrumentalist帕特里克Brannon、大提琴violist雅各·安德森,安德森撒母耳,鼓手科林Richey。发表在2008年12月,旅行和树干揭开了乐队的管弦乐声音,似乎暗示了它从Decemberists和其他室流行组。嘿,马赛出现在各种各样的节日——包括CMJ第二年,南靠西南,Bumbershoot,从而吸引了星巴克咖啡连锁店,包括一个乐团的歌曲在编译,情侣》在2010年初。~安德鲁Leahey,Rovi
Formed in 2006 by vocalist Nick Ward and guitarist Matt Bishop, Hey Marseilles quickly expanded into an eclectic, seven-piece band. The group took root in Seattle, where Ward and Bishop were attending the University of Washington. Ward’s roommate, pianist/accordionist Philip Kobernik, was the first to join the core duo, and Hey Marseilles’ lineup soon swelled with the addition of multi-instrumentalist Patrick Brannon, cellist Samuel Anderson, violist Jacob Anderson, and drummer Colin Richey. Released in December 2008, To Travels & Trunks unveiled the band’s orchestral sound, one that seemingly took its cues from the Decemberists and other chamber pop groups. Hey Marseilles appeared at a variety of festivals the following year -- including CMJ, South by Southwest, and Bumbershoot -- and subsequently attracted the attention of the Starbucks coffee chain, which included one of the band’s songs on a compilation, Sweethearts, Vol.2, in early 2010. ~ Andrew Leahey, Rovi
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