Mikaali Karlsson相似歌手

姓名Mikaali Karlsson 别名暂无
国籍冰岛 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Iceland is known for its beautiful nature and otherworldly scenery. In his debut EP “The Summit”, Mikaali Karlsson tells his story of climbing five different Icelandic mountains. Each song, set in an ethereal post-rock landscape, starts off slow and quiet but gradually builds up to a euphoric climax while approaching the summit.

"From this extraordinary island named Iceland, another young talent arrives, his name is Mikaali Karlsson and in his first album, “The Summit”, he creates fantastic atmosphere typical of his land, inheriting that sweet and atmospheric sound that was typical in Sigur Ros albums like Agaetis Birjun and Takk. Simply extraordinary..."
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