Ignacio Corsini相似歌手

姓名Ignacio Corsini 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Ignacio Corsini (February 13, 1891 – July 26, 1967) was a well-known Argentine folklore and tango vocalist.Andrés Ignacio Corsini was born in Troina, a village in the Enna Province of Sicily, in 1891. He was the illegitimate son of Socorro Salomone and a local man whose identity was never revealed publicly—save for his being a Corsini (hence the child's last name). Ms. Salomone left Italy for Buenos Aires, in 1896, and settled in the middle-class Almagro section of the city. They settled in Carlos Tejedor, then a small pampas town where Corsini would spend the remainder of his childhood, finding work as an ox cart driver and herdsman.
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