姓名Opus Orange 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Natural rhythms, hammered piano harmonics, acoustic guitar, noisy electric guitar, buzzy synths, infectious pop melodies, and group vocals make up the memorable indie-pop sound of Opus Orange’s latest Balance EP.

Formed in 2010, the Santa Monica band has grown to six members, with Paul Bessenbacher (PB) at the helm. PB’s multi-faceted music taste is perhaps reflected in the band’s name – “Opus” is a reference to Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66, and “Orange” is a reference to Charles Mingus’ Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress. From the ukulele songs on their self-titled EP (2010) to their expansive film score for the full-length documentary Mile… Mile & A Half (2013) – and now with the Balance EP (2014), OO has continued to evolve their sonic palette with every release.
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