姓名Matthias Vogt 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Matthias Vogt (born in 1970 in Rüsselsheim) is a German music producer, DJ, keyboardist and jazz pianist.

After training as a church musician in addition to service in Mainz 1986-1988 Vogt founded with the German rock group FDH his first band. Since 1990 he worked both as a keyboard player and singer in numerous bands and projects, on the other hand as a DJ: first in KUZ in Mainz, then in the beef in Ruesselsheim, later in Frankfurt. In 1992 he founded the breakbeat label rumen Records. Since 1994, he wrote and produced theater music as DJ Matt House for various labels
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