姓名Thin Lizzy 别名暂无
国籍爱尔兰 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


1969年成立于爱尔兰都柏林的乐队THIN LIZZY是早期摇滚乐历史上的一支硬摇滚乐团。由主唱/贝司手PHIL LYNOTT(生于1951年8月20日爱尔兰都柏林,死于1986年1月4日),吉他手ERIC BELL(生于1947年9月3日北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特),鼓手BRAIN DOWNEY(生于1951年1月27日爱尔兰都柏林)组成的。他们最早是1970年7月在PARLOPHONE唱片公司录制过一支单曲“农民”(THE FARMER)。在与DECCA唱片公司签约后,他们发行了2张唱片都没有登上排行榜。但是在他们以全新方式翻唱了一首老歌“瓶里的威士忌”(WHISKEY IN THE JAR)之后,他们的运气来了。单曲登上了英国TOP 10排行榜并且使乐队 结合了爱尔兰民谣和吉他乐队的随后,乐队在1974年的早期经历了一系列的成员变动:BELL暂时由GARY MOORE(生于1952年9月12日北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特)代替,在他之后还有2名吉他手ANDY GEE和JOHN CANN在乐队里呆过短暂的时间。吉他手BRIAN ROBERTSON(生于1956年9月12日苏格兰格拉斯戈尔)和SCOTT GORHAN(生于1951年3月17日美国加州的圣莫尼卡)的加入使乐队稳定下来,并进入了他们最高产的时期。1975年在英国的一系列演唱会让乐队得到了长足进展。1976年是乐队突破的一年---专辑“越狱”(JAILBREAK)登上了排行榜, 其中歌曲“男孩们回到镇上”(THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN)荣登英国TOP 10排行榜和美国TOP 20排行榜,这首歌也成为颇有影响力的“新音乐快递”(NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS)的年度投票单曲。1977年早期,吉他手ROBERTSON在一次打架中手受了伤而不得不离开乐队,他的位置由归队的GARY MOORE顶替。歌曲“什么都别信”(DON’T BELIEVE A WORD)Despite a huge hit single in the mid-'70s ("The Boys Are Back in Town") and becoming a popular act with hard rock/heavy metal fans, Thin Lizzy are still, in the pantheon of '70s rock bands, underappreciated. Formed in the late '60s by Irish singer/songwriter/bassist Phil Lynott, Lizzy, though not the first band to do so, combined romanticized working-class sentiments with their ferocious, twin-lead guitar attack. As the band's creative force, Lynott was a more insightful and intelligent writer than many of his ilk, preferring slice-of-life working-class dramas of love and hate influenced by Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and virtually all of the Irish literary tradition. Also, as a black man, Lynott was an anomaly in the nearly all-white world of hard rock, and as such imbued much of his work with a sense of alienation; he was the outsider, the romantic guy from the other side of the tracks, a self-styled poet of the lovelorn and downtrodden. His sweeping vision and writerly impulses at times gave way to pretentious songs aspiring to clichéd notions of literary significance, but Lynott's limitless charisma made even the most misguided moments worth hearing.After a few early records that hinted at the band's potential, Lizzy released Fighting in 1975, and the band (Lynott, guitarists Brian Robertson and Scott Gorham, and drummer Brian Downey) had molded itself into a pretty tight recording and performing unit. Lynott's thick, soulful vocals were the perfect vehicle for his tightly written melodic lines. Gorham and Robertson generally played lead lines in harmonic tandem, while Downey (a great drummer who had equal amounts of power and style) drove the engine. Lizzy's big break came with their next album, Jailbreak, and the record's first single, "The Boys Are Back in Town." A paean to the joys of working-class guys letting loose, the song resembled similar odes by Bruce Springsteen, with the exception of the Who-like power chords in the chorus. With the support of radio and every frat boy in America, "Boys" became a huge hit, enough of a hit as to ensure record contracts and media attention for the next decade ("Boys" is now used in beer advertising).Never the toast of critics (the majority writing in the '70s hated hard rock and heavy metal), Lizzy toured relentlessly, building an unassailable reputation as a terrific live band, despite the lead guitar spot becoming a revolving door (Eric Bell, Gary Moore, Brian Robertson, Snowy White, and John Sykes all stood next to Scott Gorham). The records came fast and furious, and despite attempts to repeat the formula that worked like a charm with "Boys," Lynott began writing more ambitious songs and wrapping them up in vaguely articulated concept albums. The large fan base the band had built as a result of "Boys" turned into a smaller, yet still enthusiastic bunch of hard rockers. Adding insult to injury was the rise of punk rock, which Lynott vigorously supported, but made Lizzy look too traditional and too much like tired old rock stars.By the mid-'80s, resembling the dinosaur that punk rock wanted to annihilate, Thin Lizzy called it a career. Lynott recorded solo records that more explicitly examined issues of class and race, published a now-out-of-print book of poetry, and sadly, became a victim of his longtime abuse of heroin, cocaine, and alcohol, dying in 1986 at age 35. Since the mega-popular alternative rock bands of the mid-'90s appropriated numerous musical messages from their '70s forebears, the work of Phil Lynott and Thin Lizzy will hopefully continue to be seen for the influential rock & roll it is.In 1999, Thin Lizzy reunited with a lineup featuring guitarists Scott Gorman and John Sykes, and keyboardist Darren Wharton, which was rounded out by a journeyman rhythm section of bassist Marco Mendoza and drummer Tommy Aldridge. The quintet's ensuing European tour produced the live album One Night Only, which was released in the summer of 2000 to set the stage for a subsequent American concert tour.
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