姓名Zero Assoluto 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


  Zero Assoluto 是一个意大利罗马的流行R&B二人组。
  Zero Assoluto由Thomas De Gasperi(1977年)、Matteo Maffucci(1978年)两人组成。二人曾参加意大利的sanremo音乐节。
  1999年发表首支单曲 Ultimo capodanno
  2007年发行专辑《Appena prima di partire》
  2008年与葡萄牙情怀Neo-Soul女歌手Nelly Furtado合作单曲 Win Or Lose 入围法国音乐排行榜 NRJ Music Awards 2009
  能够把R&B唱得如此清新、自然、脱俗,唯有在地中海湿润海风沐浴下的Zero Assoluto!听他们的歌,总是感觉有一种暖暖的情绪在心底流淌,让人暂时忘掉人世间的一切烦忧,情愿沉醉其中不可自拔。他们的R&B唱法融入了很多抒情流行元素,出来的效果出奇的好,甚至还有古典韵味。

by Evan C. Gutierrez
Italian pop duo Zero Assoluto (Absolute Zero) was formed by friends Matteo Maffucci and Thomas de Gasperi, who met in 1995 while studying together. As close friends they started sharing musical ideas, writing songs together for their own entertainment. In 1999 their first single, "Ultimo Cappodanno" (Last New Year's Eve), was released without sincere hopes of success, but the song, along with an accompanying video, was well received. Their next single, entitled "Magari Meno," was released three years later, followed by "Tu Come Stai," the latter's video winning an award for best photography that year. A short time later, in 2004, the pair started hosting Suite 102.5 for the national radio network, a show that quickly achieved cult status among young Italians. That same year Zero Assoluto released their debut record, Scendi, which eventually achieved platinum status and generated several radio hits. Successful appearances at the prestigious Sanremo Music Festival and a strong radio presence widened the group's exposure considerably over the next few years. Their 2006 platinum release Appena Prima di Partire and a collaboration with Nelly Furtado that year on the song "All Good Things (Come to an End)" from the Italian version of her album Loose brought the group international recognition.
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