姓名Sonic Librarian 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Sonic Librarian was formed in 2003 by former “hair band guitarist”-turned-television editor, Erik Gamans. Now, SL music has been heard by millions of listeners and boasts a staff of 20 versatile composers specializing in a vast array of styles including funk, blues, rock, metal, techno, hip-hop, symphonic and orchestral. Yes, even headbangers can broaden their horizons.

Gamans did just this after spending the late 80′s touring the world with the heavy metal bands UFO, Waysted and Cold Sweat. He then traded in his Marshall amps and Aqua Net, turning his attention to the more consistent, lucrative work of video editing.
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