姓名Austin Ellis 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Soothing, Engaging, Authentic. Austin Ellis captivates listeners with a unique voice and intimate acoustic style. Influenced by the smooth delivery of John Legend and laid back strumming of Jack Johnson, Ellis invites audiences to relax and enjoy the warmth of his songwriting and musicianship. Raised on equal doses of R&B and Rock, Ellis earned a degree in Songwriting and Music Business from the well-respected Recording Industry Program at Middle Tennessee State University. Hailing from North Beach, Maryland, Latin-American Ellis has toured the US and beyond, performing as far from home as Melbourne, Australia. He has shared the stage with established artists including SOJA, Sonya Kitchell, Jim Boggia, and Naked Blue, and was a finalist in the Mountain Stage Newsong Contest and Mid-Atlantic Song Contest. Ellis performs over 200 shows per year in support of both of his independent releases, one LP entitled “Coming of A.G.E” and a self-titled EP
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