Roxy Batz相似歌手

姓名Roxy Batz 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


20-year old Roxy Batz has spent most of her life wanting to be a musician. Her father, Danish rock guitarist Alf Batz, encouraged and supported her love for music. "Being around my dad creatively was so amazing. He taught himself to play and is such a fantastic musician. He really inspired me to have confidence to do this." Her mother, an accomplished music theater veteran, exposed Roxy early on to performing in pageants and talent competitions. "My mom is so incredible. She is truly my best friend and has given me so much to be able to have a chance to pursue this. She believes in me 1000% and it has given me so much freedom to get in the studio or on stage knowing I have both my parents and my whole family behind me." In 2006, a 15-year old Roxy teamed up with Claire and Bob Parr. Claire's promotion company, The Navigator Company, had promoted and marketed some of the biggest acts in the world, Coldplay, Nickelback, Avril Lavigne, Maroon 5, to name a few. Her husband, Bob, not only is a respected studio and touring bassist who has worked on hundreds of hit albums, TV shows and films, but a talented songwriter and producer as well. Bob's focus was finding Roxy's unique voice. "I didn't want her simply singing generic songs. I think it is important that they find their unique voice. I don't want to give that to any artist- as I think the audience knows when they are listening to manufactured music. I asked her to keep a diary of what was going on with her life to write music that was specific to her. She was a mature young woman and she was facing all the excitement and tough stuff that young people are going through. She had a lot of challenges in her life and she was kind of angry at the point we started. The songs we wrote together became a reflection of those early journals." Roxy has grown a lot since those first meetings at the Parr house and the early late nights in the studio. "I feel so much more confident now about who I am and what I am supposed to do as an artist. The last couple of years have been about growing up, coping with becoming a young adult, graduating from school and getting ready to face the pressure of the entertainment business. My biggest influences have been my parents, my Pastor, and I feel like I've had some real lessons on the music industry by having the Parr's around me."
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