姓名Hillsong Worship 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Our current Hillsong Worship album features a host of widely recognised names and faces - people like Reuben Morgan, Ben Fielding, Matt Crocker, Joel Houston, Jonathan ‘JD’ Douglass, Jad Gillies, Marty Sampson, Annie Garratt, Nigel Hendroff and Autumn Hardman - under the leadership of Global Creative Pastor, Cass Langton and her husband Rich. Yet, for each of the well-known Hillsong faces and names, there are hundreds and hundreds of faces and names that many people may never know or see, that serve in the Hillsong creative team in campuses all across the globe. We are a team who are varied in location, gift and calling; including musicians, vocalists, audio and lighting engineers, film and editing teams. And yet, we are a team that is one in service and passion, who above all else, seek to bring worship to the One whose Name is above all names… Jesus.
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