Tuomas Kauhanen (s. 1985 Porvoo) on Porvoosta kotoisin oleva, sittemmin helsinkilaistynyt rap-artisti,Kauhanen career began in the early 2000s established viewpoint band by another member of his brother Simon (artist named Ola). Point of View released their first album a baptism of fire in 2003. Album Thomas used the name of the artist Eflekti. The second band, where the bucket was affected, it was Area 04 Fam, whose other members were Thomas and featuring in addition to Doon and MGI. A04's debut album Loud released in the country in early 2006. Eflekti In this case, the artist's name was shortened to Efuksi. Point of view published in 2008, their second album, Live or die with the dream, which was preceded by a music on hold called the Internet vlityksyll divided into ilmaislevy. Perspective was to be published, however, return to the All-named album in 2010, but the band pulled out of a break and finally published in February 2010 Waiting Music 2, had a ilmaislevyn, which included songs from the album made for