姓名Justin Hopkins 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


"In keeping with the trend of being a rock star, most of the tracks on Vol. 1 Here Goes Nothing deal with risky women and the longing for true love. The lyrics feel like they’re coming from a real place and though almost every song deals with potentially dangerous women, each seems to tell a different story.....

There are real stories behind every song. It’s this type of story telling that almost places Justin Hopkins and the Guilt in the country music genre, but it’s their rock and roll music and vocal style that keep them at home in alternative rock.

Every track on Vol.1 Here Goes Nothing has something different to offer and really, they’re all good. This is the type of music that you don’t just listen to, you actually hear the lyrics. The rock and roll soul musical style works perfectly too. Justin Hopkins’ voice is mesmerizing, his music is flawless, and his lyrics are thought provoking. Overall, Vol.1 Here Goes Nothing is one of the better rock albums I’ve heard in a while."
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