Quite Nyce相似歌手

姓名Quite Nyce 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Quite Nyce born in Trenton, NJ, he literally came from nothing. Raised
by a single mother he quickly learned that this world can be a cold
place. It was that slap of reality that prepared Quite Nyce on a
musical journey that would take him all over the world with the likes
of Das Efx, Lords of the Underground, Onyx, and more. One of the most
recognizable voices and flows in hip-hop today Quite Nyce embodies
life music. Life music in which everyone can relate to because we all
go through the same struggles, joys, pains, etc. Through My Eyes LP is
the most eye opening material Quite Nyce has recorded to date. The
album is dealing with topics ranging from spousal abuse, falling in
and out of love, eating disorders, self doubt, etc. Quite Nyce has
covered the landscape of emotions and used drums and bass lines as his
canvas. Painting images through the words he writes is what Quite Nyce
has been brought here to do. He is also an accomplished short story
writer with published works. The sky seems to be the limit for this
talented young man, just take a look Through His Eyes. Quite Nyce is
also a member of the music collective RADIx (Quite Nyce and SEEK) who
have sold over 20,000 albums since the groups origin in 2001 and done
over 500 concerts across the world. On March 2009 Quite Nyce joined
forces with Raydar Ellis to form a project called Champs Vs The
League. The album was picked up by the legendary Brick
Records(Termanology,Inisight,Mr.Lif,Akrobatik,7L and Esoteric,MF Doom)
out of Boston, MA. The album featured appearances from AKIL THE MC
from Jurassic 5, Soulstice, and Project Move. Champs Vs The League has
been reviewed on nearly every major website and webzine. In fact they
called the duo the new version of Blackstarr.
Are you keeping up? The grind doesn′t stop their for this entrepreneur
as he has been named a spokesman for Sonar Cakewalk , one of the
industry's leading music hardware and software businesses in the
world. Quite Nyce has readied himself for the next level of success
with years of work and countless quality releases.
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