Igor Danilovic, otherwise known as Passenger 75, was born in Zurich in 1984. He took up the art of the piano at the early age of 8, and played it for almost 12 years, ending up with an in-depth knowledge of the music genre. Strong heavy music was always one of his passions, and throughout his adolescence he listened to bands such as Metallica, Bleeding Through and In Flames to name but a few, and when he turned 18 he became the lead singer in a metal band called Elenor. Throughout this exciting part of his life, he played a lot of gigs in Switzerland, and was even lucky enough to support the well known german band Subway to Sally. However, this was not the path he was destined for, and after deciding to learn to produce his own music, he began to be influenced by different kinds of artists such as Mike Shiver, Signum, Ronski Speed and Store N Forward. It was this new chapter of his life that helped him to sculpt his own way of music through his feelings and emotions, and with it a new trance producer was born. In trying to figure out a name for himself, he laid down some facts about his life. One of his biggest fears is flying, and this, combined with his birthday being 07/05, lead to the decision to name himself Passenger 75. His first release Beauty Of Sound, is newly released on Enhanced Recordings, and contains remixes from Peter Dafnous and Moonforce. As a result of this track, Igor and Moonforce have become good friends and have decided to produce tracks together under the name Frontliners. So whatch this space...