姓名Allen Watts 别名暂无
国籍荷兰 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Genre: Trance
Location: Drenthe, The Netherlands
Watts gained a large following in the San Francisco Bay Area while working as a volunteer programmer at KPFA, a Pacifica Radio station in Berkeley. Watts wrote more than 25 books and articles on subjects important to Eastern and Western religion, introducing the then-burgeoning youth culture to The Way of Zen (1957), one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion. He also explored human consciousness, in the essay The New Alchemy (1958), and in the book The Joyous Cosmology (1962).
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