Raheem Devaughn相似歌手

姓名Raheem Devaughn 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


被媒体拿来与Marvin Gaye、Stevie Wonder等巨星相提并论的全才灵魂乐新才子,Raheem DeVaughn惊喜引领70年代Motown时期的灵魂/节奏蓝调乐种、以至80年代黄金时期爵士/灵魂饶舌曲派,调和出最耐人寻味的动人音符。不靠卖弄花腔的演唱实力,更不倚着傲人的商业排行成绩撑腰,Raheem就是有本事让乐迷以及严苛乐评们臣服在他迷人的音乐魔力之中,一种如呼吸般自然的律动,就在身旁静静蔓延回绕。
传承Erykah Badu、Jill Scott、D’Angelo、India Arie等人所带出90年代的Neo-Soul乐派风潮,集结谱写/演唱/制作/乐手于一身的全才艺人。Raheem身为极富盛名的爵士大提琴演奏家 Abdul Wadud儿子,自小就展现对音乐的杰出天份,发行过多张独立界作品,获得超级制作人DJ Jazzy Jeff(威尔史密斯尚未成名前的音乐好伙伴)以及嘻哈大厂Roc-A-Fella Records前A&R的Kenny Burns注意,穿针引线进入Jive Records旗下。2005年,努力多年Raheem终于苦尽甘来问世《The Love Experience》首张专辑,夺下全美节奏蓝调/嘻哈专辑榜Top9,极具公信力的黑人音乐杂志Vibe写下“Raheem DeVaughn的The Love Experience是所有音乐爱好者必听的专辑”之好评推荐。
by Andy Kellman
The son of jazz cellist Abdul Wadud, Maryland-based R&B vocalist Raheem DeVaughn kicked his career into gear after initiating a series of independent releases, aided in part by the cash reward earned from winning a talent contest. Jive became interested, signed him, and released The Love Experience in June of 2005. The album peaked within the Top 50 of the Billboard 200 album chart, with the singles "You" and "Guess Who Loves You More" regularly spun on some of the more adventurous R&B stations across the U.S. Love Behind the Melody followed in January 2008, but not before its first single, "Woman," was announced as a 2008 Grammy nominee for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance.
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