姓名Benji Hughes 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
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生日 星座
身高 体重


by Andrew Leahey
Combining the eclecticism of Beck, the pop-based experiments of the Flaming Lips, and the bushy facial hair of Rip Van Winkle, Benji Hughes is an indie pop singer/songwriter from Charlotte, NC. A former housepainter, Hughes joined the roster of New West Records during the mid-2000s, having wooed president Cameron Strang with his diverse songcraft and ability to handle multiple instruments. Hughes then decamped to Silverlake, CA, where he crafted his debut album alongside producer Keefus Ciancia and songwriter Gus Seyffert. Priscilla Ahn, a fellow L.A.-based songwriter, performed one of Hughes' songs on her debut album in June 2008; one month later, Hughes made his own debut with the two-disc A Love Extreme.
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