Shabnam Suraya相似歌手

姓名Shabnam Suraya 别名暂无
国籍塔吉克斯坦 出生地
语言其他语种 性别
生日1981-10-14 星座天秤座
身高 体重


Shabnam Surayyo (also spelled as Surayo, Suraya, or Soraya) born on October 14, 1981 in Kulyab, Tajikstan is a popular Tajik singer. She was born into a musical family, with both her mother (Surayyo Qosimova) and sister (Farzona Khurshed) also well-known singers in Tajikistan. However, Shabnam was little known until her popularity rose dramatically in 2006, when one of her songs was ranked #1 in Tajikistan. Following this success, Shabnam hit international stardom amongst tajik people and Tajik-speakers around the globe.
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