姓名Troels Abrahamsen 别名暂无
国籍丹麦 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Troels Abrahamsen (born 1983 Hvidovre) is a Danish producer, vocalist and singer-songwriter.

Abrahamsen has since 2004 been the frontman of the rock band VETO. Troels Abrahamsen is as a producer known as Super Troels and published in 2007 his first solo project entitled I Know That You Know. Then he chose digital broadcasting its more club oriented Mockin 'Bird album which was released under the same stage name. Then he released a free EP under the alias Super Troels. It is also under this alias that his website www.supertroels.dk named.

In 2009 he decided to publish the album WHT under his own name. The album WHT followed by the slightly darker and more electronic record BLCK expected on the streets on 8 March 2010.

He grew up in Hobro and is the son of musician and producer Peter Abrahamsen.

Troels Abrahamsen has composed music for the film "My Best Enemy" directed by Oliver Ussing. The film is expected to premiere in cinemas across the country during 2010.


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