乔舒亚-瑞德曼(Joshua Redman)是近十年来最著名的JAZZ艺术家之一。出生于1969年的伯克利,后波普、新波普爵士音乐家,萨克斯演奏家。他的演奏风格复杂充满热情,文雅端庄。在90年代初的一段时间,他是各类媒体吹捧的对象,而他的实际才能丝毫不愧对这些吹捧。他是一个天才的萨克斯演奏家,深受波普乐的影响。他是伟大的萨克斯演奏家德维·莱德曼(Redman,Dewey)之子。
自1991年赢得Thelonious Monk Institute JAZZ SAX比赛以来,他的演出邀请多得接不完,特别是著名的华纳音像公司与他签了约。通过阅读对他的采访文章,我们会发现Redman是一个很特别的乐手,美国真是一个不拘一格出人才的地方,他的成功经历对于在中国探索JAZZ的SAX乐手很有借鉴意义。
Redman奇特的地方在于:他只跟老师上过几堂SAX课,中学时期学的是黑管(学完8级就停止了),以后全部是自学成才。中学毕业后也不是直接去学音乐,而是进了著名的哈佛大学学了四年的社会学。在哈佛期间只是参加了两年的校JAZZ乐队,真正开始投入音乐是在大学毕业之后。这在中国人的观念里是一个典型的业余爱好者, 但是他却成为旧金山JAZZ之春的艺术指导,并登上了SAX杂志的封面。以下是他的谈话精华。
被洛杉矶时报报盛赞为『新世纪爵士乐领袖中最具有生命力的爵士乐手』并有『爵士警察』美誉的色士风手Joshua Redman 乔舒亚.瑞德曼2007年最新专辑。Joshua Redman出生于1969-02-01 加州,他的演奏不仅延续传统的爵士乐精神,同时也表达了最贴切当今的音乐潮流。是当今十分受到肯定的次中音色士风手。除了复古风格,他经常加入许多新的元素,让乐声不只是一种调性。他的音乐专辑销售良好,受到很多乐迷的肯定,同时许多专业的乐评也对他非常赞许,他们欣赏Redman的成熟与深刻的表现,如此年轻却有这样的实力确实不易。
by Scott Yanow
Every few years it seems as if the jazz media go out of their way to hype one young artist, overpraising him to such an extent that it is easy to tear him down when the next season arrives. In the early 90s, Joshua Redman briefly became a media darling, but in his case he largely deserved the attention. A talented bop-based tenorman, Redman (who will probably never be an innovator) is a throwback to the styles of Red Holloway and Gene Ammons, but also has an inquisitive spirit and can play intriguing music when inspired.
The son of the great tenor saxophonist Dewey Redman, Joshua graduated from Harvard and (after debating about whether to become a doctor) he seemed headed toward studying law at Yale. However, Redman came in first place at the 1991 Thelonious Monk competition, landed a recording contract with Warner Bros., and was soon on the cover of most jazz magazines. Pat Metheny was a guest on one of his albums (the Redman-Metheny interplay during their engagements was quite memorable), and although Redman has had success constantly touring with his own group, it is a pity that his apprenticeship period as a sideman was so brief. In 1996, Joshua Redman recorded and briefly toured with Chick Coreas Tribute to Bud Powell sextet; the solo Timeless Tales (For Changing Times) followed in 1998, and in 2000 he returned with Beyond. Passage of Time appeared in early 2001 and was followed by a lengthy tour of the U.S. The next year, Elastic appeared in stores with an uncharacteristically humorous sight gag adorning the cover. That also reflected on the music, which was more adventurous and playful than in the past, owing a debt to his electronica and experimental rock influences. In 2005, Redman made the move to Nonesuch and released Momentum. Back East followed in 2007.