姓名Seth Troxler 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Seth Troxler was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan but grew up in suburban Detroit. As a child, thanks to godfather S.F. Kapoor, Troxler became aware of house music, as he says in an interview with electronic and dance music Ezine RA: "I started listening to house when I was seven or eight years old."
This early exposure to house music seems obvious, since both his mother and his stepfather were involved in the Detroit house music scene. As a teenager, Troxler got a job in the record store Melodies and Memories, working alongside people such as Reggie Harrell, Terrence Parker, and even Theo Parrish. Later on, at the age of 16, Troxler began DJing. three years after graduating from Lake Orion High School, Troxler, together with fellow house music enthusiast Ryan Crosson, moved to Berlin, where he now resides working full-time as a producer and DJ. He is well known for his upbeat tuneage and is soon going to be releasing records on a well-known German label with Bill Patrick, Lee Burridge, Little Mike and Catz n Dogz.
Troxler was voted as the best DJ of 2012 by Resident Advisor.
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