Okna Tsahan Zam的意思是“白色的路”。Okna Tsahan Zam的确是一位独特的音乐家,他的音乐不可思议地将民族的和现代的元素结合在一起。在这个音乐世界中,电子元素、电吉他和原声吉他、冬不拉、迪吉里杜管以及竖琴管弦乐团共同创造了原始的声音。Brief introductionOkna Tsahan Zam means "The white road". Okna Tsahan Zam is truly an exceptional artist whose music is a wondrous combination of ethnic authenticity and modernity. Electronic elements, electric and acoustic guitars, dobro, didgeridoo, jaw harp strings orchestra blend in this organic musical universe to create an original soundscape.