后街男孩成员之一。1993年 尚在奥兰多市读初中的Nick与AJ Howie在参加当地戏剧表演所举办的试镜会中结识 并成为好友。三人合组了一个乐团。 他们正打算增加团员时 认识了当时在迪斯尼乐园扮演阿拉丁的Kevin。再后来,Kevin推荐了他的表弟—在肯德基州的Brian。这样,这五人组成了乐团 并引用了当地相当出名的跳蚤市场(Backstreet Market)的名称 将乐团命名为Backstreet Boys.在这之后的几年内 Nick随乐队在世界范围内打拼 并越发成熟。
2000年 成为《人物》杂志年度最漂亮的50人之一
2001年后 在经历了多年的奋斗后 后街成员们都感到疲惫与厌倦。于是他们决定进行一段时间的休养。
2002年10月 Nick发行个人第一张专辑《Now Or Never》
2003年11月 在Oprah的节目后 后街又开始以一个整体 频频出现在各种公开场合中。 并向歌迷宣称 他们回来了
2004年 他出演了电影《The Hollow 》 并在《 Monster Island 》中客串
2005年6月14日 后街第六盘专辑《Never Gone》发行
2006年 他的家庭的成员们都聚集在一起 拍了真人秀《House of Carters》作为家中的长子 他要承担照顾弟妹们的压力以及补充家庭的经济补给 他说通过《HOC》的拍摄 他的性格和生活习惯都大大改变了。“我不敢说自己很伟大,但是我真的学到了很多”后街男孩(14张)
2007年 Nick 被联合国环境署授命为今届海豚年活动的形象大使 旨在保护海豚 鲸鱼等海洋动物不再遭到捕杀。 他说海豚是他喜爱的动物 不仅是海豚 还有海洋。 他想尽他的最大力量去做些什么。“也许我的力量有限 但不努力怎么知道结果呢”
2007年10月30日 后街男孩专辑《Unbreakable》全球发行。
2009年9月30日, 后街男孩最新专辑《This Is Us》全球发行。2010年,Nick公布了据说是新专辑的一首单曲
。 据一位与瑞典制作人Carl Falk走的较近的歌迷透露,Nick将称后街巡演休息空档,于7月19-21日这三天,在录音室与一些瑞典籍音乐人(包括Carl Falk)及后街歌曲"Shattered"的作者TC等一同埋头苦干他的个人第二张专辑。这张专辑用Nick自己的话来说,即“应该可以在今年底发行”。并且将在日本及德国首发。
by MacKenzie Wilson
As one of the Backstreet Boys, singer Nick Carter became an international superstar during the mid-'90s as his band became one of the best-selling teen pop bands in history. Born Nickolas Gene Carter on January 28, 1980, in upstate New York, Carter's life in entertainment began at an early age. He starred in various commercials and participated in countless talent shows as a child. By the time he was a teenager, he left the public school system for a home-schooled environment so he could focus on being a performer. He was barely 13 when he got the chance of a lifetime: Carter became the youngest member of the Backstreet Boys upon their formation in 1992. A tour of Europe catapulted the boys into fame by 1994 and the young Carter was elated. The Backstreet Boys broke America three years later with "Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)" and "As Long as You Love Me," and the next few years would be unstoppable for the vocal quintet. Their self-titled American debut sold 13 million copies. Millennium (1999) was an impressive sophomore effort; however, the band's third album, Black & Blue (2000), resulted in poor sales. Carter took a well-needed break after touring the world for seven years, but he remained conscious of future musical ideas. Within a year, he and KNS (Josh Schwartz and Brian Keirulf) were working on Carter's first solo album. What followed was a deeply personal piece of rock & roll and R&B entitled Now or Never, which appeared on Jive in October 2002. Carter coincided the release with his first-ever solo tour in February 2003.