姓名Paolo Meneguzzi 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


◎造成欧洲、南非地区以及拉丁美洲各区火红窜升的意大利籍情歌王子 ◎带着浓厚流行气息,引出多首性感动人的欧式抒情小品 ◎展现最细腻内敛的感动演出与掌握快节奏旋律的精采表现 这位出生义大利南部Mendrisio原名Pablo Meneguzzo的Paolo Meneguzzi虽然年过30,却丝毫看不太出来岁月在他脸上留下过多痕迹。1997年顺利发行个人第一张专辑《Por Amor》,除了在自家乡引起瞩目外,更造成南非地区轰动,让Paolo意外成为南非最受欢迎的义大利歌手。趁着这股热潮尚存之际,隔年Paolo同时在义大利与南非推出全新单曲〈Si Enamorarse〉和第二张专辑《Paolo》,依旧在南非和义大利创下极佳销售量。为了拓展在欧洲其他国家的知名度,Paolo於1999年发行首张西班牙文专辑,将前两张专辑的畅销曲改编成西班牙文版,同在拉丁美洲造成不小回响。2001-2006年间陆续问世四张作品,曝光率相当高的Paolo,屡屡将歌唱事业推向另一高峰,不断扩大他在欧洲市场知名度。 全新作品《Musica》,充满流行气息,当然不乏多首性感动人欧式抒情小品,打从开场曲〈Stai Con Me〉浮现,弦乐气势磅礡谱入,渐层套进摇滚强力声波,交织成最撼动人心的抒情佳作;接着曼妙琴韵拉出序幕的同名单曲〈Musica〉,淋上节奏蓝调的伴衬音符,在Paolo真假音交唱的高亢声韵指引下,轻易打动每位聆听着的心;人声与钢琴柔美对鸣的〈Fragile Giulia〉,释放无比强大的情绪感应,勾勒出最凄美的音乐图像;魅力无比的鼓动之作〈Aiuto〉,散射电子特效润饰,是在多首慢歌之后,体会Paolo掌握快节奏旋律的绝佳精采表现;末曲〈Dormi Amore〉则是以Acoustic方式谱唱的清新佳作,同现最细腻内敛的感动演出。Though he was born in Lugano, Switzerland, Paolo Meneguzzi grew up in the Milanese city of Varese. It was there that he first became interested in music, surrounded by a family to whom arts were important, receiving his first guitar at age eight, and singing on television for the first time two years later. Though he wanted to perform in his homeland, he decided he might have more success in South America, and in 1996 he performed at Chile's Viña del Mar Festival, winning it with the song "Aria Ariò." His debut album, Por Amor, was released in Chile the next year, followed by Paolo in 1998 and Emocion in 1999. After signing to Ricordi, in 2001 Meneguzzi's Italian-language debut, Un Sogno Nelle Mani, came out shortly after his seventh place appearance at the annual San Remo Festival, and in 2003, Lei E', whose title cut was rumored to be about his mother, was released, and went on to sell more than 200,000 copies (it was reissued in a slightly different version the next year as Lei E' 2004), driven mainly by the success of the single "Guardami Negli Occhi (Prego)" at San Remo. Always prolific in the studio, Meneguzzi released Favola in 2005 and Musica in 2007, with, of course, corresponding participation at San Remo.
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