Easton Corbin相似歌手

姓名Easton Corbin 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地佛罗里达州
语言英语 性别
生日1982-04-12 星座牡羊座
身高 体重


Easton Corbin是一位美国乡村歌手,出生在佛罗里达州,2009年与Mercury Records Nashville公司签约,同年6月发行了首支单曲“A Little More Country Than That”,在电台和各大榜单上获得了不俗的成绩,这首歌收录在他的首张专辑中。 Corbin自从父母离异之后便住在祖父的农场,曾经被推荐参加了当地类似Hee Haw的乡村电视选秀节目。15岁的时候开始与Pee Wee Melton学习吉他,此后参与了一只乐队,这只乐队还在某音乐节的开幕式上有一次表演的机会。   
此后不久,2006年,Corbin在佛罗里达大学毕业,获得商学学位,并与Briann结为夫妻。婚后,他俩移居纳什维尔,白天工作,晚上赶夜场,Corbin在纳什维尔有一个远亲,经过他的推荐,接触到了纳什维尔的唱片公司的老总,在此之后签约、录歌、发专辑一气呵成。   2010年03月首张专辑《Easton Corbin》正式发行。

by Steve Leggett
Born and raised in rural Gilchrist County, FL, Easton Corbin remembered wanting to be a country singer as early as three or four years old. He spent a good deal of time at his grandparents’ cattle farm following his parents’ divorce, and aside from helping on the farm and being active in the local FFA and 4-H chapters, Corbin fell in love with the various Opry television shows that aired on Saturday nights. He also spent time exploring his grandfather’s record collection, which also included several titles left behind by his father and his aunts. Corbin began taking guitar lessons at the age of 15, turning to his mentor, former Nashville session guitarist Pee Wee Melton, for instruction. Soon Corbin was playing lead guitar in a local band, but he was also becoming familiar with playing solo. A fortunate audition at a local music store led to a solo spot on-stage at the nearby Suwannee River Jam festival, and soon he was securing opening slots for national acts like Janie Fricke and Mel McDaniel. After earning a business degree from the College of Agriculture at the University of Florida, Corbin married and moved to Nashville in 2006 to try his hand at becoming a professional country singer. He caught the ears of booking agent James Yelich and Universal Music Group Nashville’s Senior Director of A&R, Joe Fisher, who immediately signed Corbin to the group’s Mercury Nashville imprint in 2009. Working with producer Carson Chamberlain, he released his debut single, "A Little More Country Than That," in July of that same year, following it with a four-song EP under the same title a month later.
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