普拉西多·多明戈 (Placido Domingo,1941-),著名的西班牙男高音歌唱家。生于马德里,父母均是西班牙民族歌剧演员,九岁时全家迁居墨西哥。青年时期热衷于斗牛和唱歌。于席德音乐学院毕业后入墨西哥国家歌剧院唱男中音。二十岁那年,以演唱《茶花女》中的阿尔弗莱德跨入男高音的行列。同年与著名女高音歌唱家萨瑟兰在美国同台演出歌剧《拉美莫尔的露契亚》,1965年起在马赛、维也纳、汉堡、柏林、纽约、伦敦等著名歌剧院演出。他的演唱嗓音丰满华丽,坚强有力,胜任从抒情到戏剧型的各类男高音角色。他塑造的奥赛罗、拉达美斯等形象,气概不凡,富于强烈的戏剧性和悲剧色彩。他还演唱过不少脍炙人口的小歌,又是位颇得好评的钢琴家和指挥家。作为歌唱家,多明戈已扮演过多达115个歌剧角色,超过音乐编年史上任何一位男高音。多明戈的保留剧目有115个角色,几乎囊括了意大利和法国歌剧中的主要角色。他曾在全球所有主要歌剧院演唱,唱片录音有100多种,其中有93部歌剧全剧的录音,往往同一个剧目多次录音,共8次获格莱美奖。他还曾录过50多个视盘,拍过3部歌剧影片。多明戈在全球各地举行音乐会,从远东到南美,从美国到几乎欧洲各国。他与帕瓦罗蒂和卡雷拉斯合作举行三大男高音演唱会,足迹遍及全球,从罗马到洛杉矶,从纽约到东京,从墨尔本到伦敦,从巴黎到南非。多明戈还是世界上最大的年度声乐比赛“世界歌剧声乐比赛”的创始人。他于1993年创办的这一赛事,迄今已在巴黎、墨西哥城、马德里、波尔多、东京、汉堡和波多黎各举行。他是当今最受尊敬的艺术家之一,经常被誉为“歌剧之王”、“真正文艺复兴式的音乐家”。 多明戈原本是以男中音起家,但音域宽广的他立刻在男高音领域获得非凡的成就。尤其他不凡的表演天分和执著的事业心,使得多明戈能不断尝试新的戏码,从最初的抒情男高音到后来的戏剧男高音及瓦格纳歌剧,甚至跨足指挥领域,全都赢得观众的热爱。多明戈的演唱以抒情性见长,充满情感和戏剧性的征服力,他的舞台感觉好,表演细腻准确,表演上的才能甚至高于演唱的技巧。多明戈的高音不如帕瓦罗蒂漂亮,但他有一种美丽的音色,嗓音宽厚,他演唱带悲剧色彩的男高音尤有魅力。多明戈在歌剧中的表现,除奥赛罗之外,应该是与萨瑟兰合作的《霍夫曼的故事》、与科特鲁巴斯合作的《茶花女》以及和里恰蕾莉合作的《阿伊达》。 2008年8月24日 29届北京奥林匹克运动会闭幕式 与宋祖英共同演唱《爱的火焰》 One of the world's most renowned tenors, Placido Domingo -- along with his frequent collaborators Luciano Pavarotti and José Carreras -- is largely responsible for the increasing mainstream popularity of opera among contemporary listeners. Born March 21, 1941 in Madrid, Spain, Domingo and his family relocated to Mexico in 1950; there he studied vocal technique, as well as piano and conducting, at the Mexico City Conservatory. After making his public debut as a baritone, he essayed his first major tenor role as Alfredo in Verdi's La Traviata in 1960; he subsequently spent close to three years with the Israel National Opera, singing 280 performances in a dozen different roles. In 1966, Domingo created the title role in the U.S. premiere of Ginastera's Don Rodrigo at the New York City Opera; his Metropolitan Opera debut followed two years later, appearing as Maurizio in Adriana Lecouvreur -- the first of well over 400 performances at the legendary venue.In the years to follow, Domingo's stature continued to grow on the strength of regular performances at all of the world's most famed opera houses, among them La Scala, the Vienna State Opera, London's Covent Garden, the Opéra de la Bastille in Paris, the San Francisco Opera, Chicago's Lyric Opera and the Los Angeles Music Center Opera (which he co-founded). With over 100 recordings to his credit, he performed with sopranos including Rosalind Plowright, Katria Ricciarelli and Montserrat Caballe; in 1981, Domingo also made an unexpected foray into pop music, recording the duet "Perhaps Love" with John Denver and in the process scoring a Top 20 hit. (A 1989 collaboration with Jennifer Rush, "Till I Loved You," was also a mainstream success.) While remaining best known as an operatic performer, he subsequently enjoyed parallel success with his recordings of traditional Spanish love songs; however, his greatest popularity came as one of the Three Tenors, a trio also including Pavarotti and Carreras whose albums and live concert videos enjoyed mainstream success not enjoyed by operatic recordings in many decades.